Version1(as of 4/28/2014)
PlatformsWindows, Mac, Linux
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Rating:3.8  |  39 Votes

Main Features

  • Easy-to-use interface
  • Plays ROM files of popular SNES games, such as Super Mario World
  • Allows you to customize gaming experience with sound and video options
  • Supports multiplayer gaming
  • Records movie of your game
  • Allows cheat codes

Software Overview

ZSNES is a program that emulates the Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) on your computer. It allows SNES compatible games to be played on a Windows or Unix machine.

ZSNES allows you to play SNES games, which are saved as ROM files that are identical copies of the game cartridge. Some of the playable SNES games include Super Mario World, Star Fox, Donkey Kong Country, NBA Jam, and The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past. The emulator lets you set speed, sound, and video options to customize your gaming experience. ZSNES allows multiplayer gaming and lets you record movies of your game. You can also enter cheat codes and select different game saving methods.

ZSNES is a simple, easy-to-use emulator. It is compatible with your favorite SNES games and gives you helpful options to customize your game experience. ZSNES will help you relive those fond memories of battling your friends in Street Fighter at 3am in your parents’ basement.

Primary File Type

smc icon.SMCSuper Nintendo Game ROM

Supported File Types

ExtensionFile Type
.SMCSuper Nintendo Game ROM
.CHTEmulator Cheat File
.SFCSuper Famicom ROM
.SRMSuper Nintendo ROM Save
.ZM1ZSNES Movie #1 File
.ZMVZSNES Movie File
.ZS0ZSNES Slot 0 Saved State File

Additional Related File Types

ExtensionFile Type
.ZM2ZSNES Movie #2 File
.ZM3ZSNES Movie #3 File
.ZS1ZSNES Slot 1 Saved State File
.ZS2ZSNES Slot 2 Saved State File
.ZS3ZSNES Slot 3 Saved State File
.ZS4ZSNES Slot 4 Saved State File
.ZS5ZSNES Slot 5 Saved State File
.ZS6ZSNES Slot 6 Saved State File
.ZS7ZSNES Slot 7 Saved State File
.ZS8ZSNES Slot 8 Saved State File
.ZS9ZSNES Slot 9 Saved State File
Updated 4/28/2014